I am sure you are all wondering how easy and simple it is to sign up to freebiejeebies, well it is one of the easiest things I have ever done and I am reaping the rewards now.

I first signed up to freebiejeebies three weeks ago and have already claimed my first free gift and well on my way to claiming my second free gadget. I have chosen the Samsung Galaxy S3 and can not wait for it to be delievered as quickly as I received my PS3. I have an amazing PS3 and I cant believe it only took me 15 referrals to claim it.

My main issue was to get  people to trust in what I was telling them and how genuine this website actually is and that it is not in any way a scam. Once people started to trust me and started signing up my referrals started coming in and thats when I realised that I should start sharing this with more people. There are plenty of offers to be choosing from and I just needed to choose the best one for me.

I enjoy using freebiejeebies, yes it is simple to sign up and complete an offer, but the work that you put into getting the referrals is totally worth it as I am claiming all these free gadgets and all I am doing is referring my family and friends to the webiste, freebiejeebies.

I love my new FREE gadgets and I think that you should check out my page and group on facebook to find out any more that you think you will need to know about starting to claim yours too!

When I first heard about freebiejeebies I was really interested in what I could be getting myself. First looking at the site, all I could focus on was the wide range of free gadgets that I could be claiming. There was so many gadgets I could see that could be mine in a matter of days depending on how determined I was. 

The first thing I did was look for what I would be Signing up to and I realised that it was fully ligit and completed my sign up. All I needed to do was give them my home address and my email address and I was pretty much ready to go.

Secondly, I had to complete my first offer which I chose to best suit me. There was plenty of different offers but I chose the Euromillions Big Fat Lotto. The offer seemed like the best one for me as it will only cost me £1 yet I had the chance to win real money. I did win real money and to tell you the truth it was only 4p but the fact of the matter is I could of won a lot more. It only took me a matter of minutes to complete my first offer and then it just depended on me getting the referrals that I needed to start and get the free gadgets that I wanted. 

The last thing that I had to do was start and get my referrals to be eligible for my free gift. The first free gift I wanted was my free PS3, you can also get games of your choice to go with it for free. For me to get this free gadget I needed to refer 15 people to freebiejeebies and for them to complete an offer, and for it to be tracked by freebiejeebies back to me.

I already had 15 people ready to refer, friends and family was my main refferals to begin with. Friends and family can only take you so far with this, so that is when I started creating this website, a Facebook page and group, just follow the links to look and join. I also created a blog through blogger. I am not trying to say that getting the referrals is easy but it is definately worth it when you get your free gadget from freebiejeebies.

A few days after completing my offer and it being tracked by freebiejeebies I began to make my referrals. Once all referrals have been made it is only a matter of weeks before it is all tracked and recorded and your free gadget is in the post and on its way to you. Freebiejeebies is the quickest site to track and complete all referrals and to get your free gadget out to you in the post.

Sign up here!! 


    My intention is to let people know how easy it really is to get any gadgets you want for free.


    September 2012

